Top Democrat Caught Living Rent Free
Only in Joe Biden’s America can something like this happen.
It has now been learned that New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell, who is already known for living a very lavish lifestyle, may be living in a luxury high-end apartment completely RENT FREE!
According to Fox, the Democrat mayor who runs a heavily crime-ridden city is living in a two-bedroom, two-bathroom apartment in the French Market Corporation’s Upper Pontalba Building in Jackson Square, where the average rent is $3,000 a month.
It’s not as pricey as what President Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi are used to getting for free but it’s still an abuse of power and very unethical.
A private investigation found that Mayor Cantrell was regularly going in and out of the apartment complex and was even stay in it overnight many times.
Cantrell’s office even went as far as defending her decision to live in the apartment saying, “The mayor’s usage of the city-owned apartment at the Pontalba is consistent with the usage of past mayors.”
Her office added, “In addition, the most recent franchise agreement contains no rules governing how that unit should be used. Lastly, according to the French Market Corporation, who are the owners of the building, this and past mayors are under no obligation to pay for using the apartment.”
Now, Louisiana leaders are calling for more investigations regarding the apartment this Democrat Mayor is saying in rent free. Mayor Cantrell has also racked up an astound $30,000 first-class international travel expenses over the summer.
This is President Biden and the Democrats plan: live lavishly on taxpayer money and take the middle class for everything they have.