Texas Governor Bows To Biden
In a move that many conservatives have found very controversial, Texas Governor Greg Abbott has decided to signed an agreement with Mexico’s Governor Samuel Alejandro García Sepulveda to ease the inspections of trucks that cross into the U.S. border.
Abbott’s decision came after the Biden Administration blamed Abbott for being responsible for the supply chain crisis because of his vehicle inspections which were aimed to stop drugs and illegals sneaking into the border.
Now Americans are worried that more illegal drugs and border crossers will enter the United States.
#BREAKING: Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) and Nuevo León Gov. Samuel Alejandro García Sepúlveda sign border security agreement. pic.twitter.com/t1y3bMCGg5
— Forbes (@Forbes) April 13, 2022
According to Newsmax, the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) will now only randomly stop trucks to inspect them on the bridge between Nuevo Leon and Texas.
Governor Abbott further explained that this deal is only between Texas and the Mexican state of Nuevo Leon. All vehicles traveling into Texas from other Mexican states will still be inspected like usual.
“Until those agreements are reached with those states, DPS will continue to inspect [trucks] in every state except Nuevo Leon,” Abbott explained.