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VIDEO: Top Democrat Pulls Gun On Who?

In a new bombshell, Democrat John Fetterman was just exposed for pulling a gun out on a Black jogger in 2013 who Fetterman believed was a criminal!

According to Fox, the video was released as an ad by his opponent Republican Oz Mehmet and was titled as “chase.” It was explained that Fetterman “chased down an innocent, unarmed Black man.” The ad then interviews the victim of Fetterman named Cristopher Miyares who says he pulled a gun on him and pointed it at his chest.

What’s even worse is that Fetterman did this while he was the mayor of Braddock. Who does he think he is? A racist Sheriff in the Wild Wild West?

“I mean, there’s a mayor with a shotgun and six other cops surrounding me. What else could I do but this?” the African American jogger said.

Fetterman was even bold enough to say that he believes he did the right thing even though he probably broke the law.

“We know John Fetterman hates to answer tough questions and refuses to debate. He needs to answer for what he did and he should finally apologize for it,” Oz’s campaign said.