Is DeSantis A Threat To Trump?

Obama Threatens Voters

In another attempt to fan the flames of unrest, former First Lady Michelle Obama gave a speech at Culture of Democracy Summit where she boldly claimed that Democracy was “fading.”

The entire summits overall goal is to encourage more liberals to participate in elections such as the November midterm elections and in 2024.

According to Fox, Obama stood on stage where she said, “No one has the luxury to sit out or stay at home just because you’re not feeling excited enough. If you don’t vote, other people will.”

She then added, “I have said it before, but it’s important for us all to remember it’s not just about who you vote for. It’s not about whether you’re a Republican, Democrat or independent.”

“This is so much bigger than that,” Michelle added. “Because right now when we look around at everything that is happening with voting and our democracy, it is clear that we’re seeing a deep discrepancy between what we tell ourselves about this country and what we see with our own eyes.”

Adding, “I want to implore every American who cares about our democracy not to just get angry or dejected. I want you to get active. We’ve got to change the way we think about our democracy. And we’ve got to change the way we participate in it. Not just every two or four years, but as a routine part of the way we all live.”

Maybe the Obamas should have hold Hillary Clinton and the mainstream media this before they pushed the Trump-Russia collusion stories.